Why Better People Care?

When toenails are so long that people’s feet hurt when they walk, we’ve not done our best.  When teeth get brushed so rarely that a person’s gums are red and sore, we’ve not provided the best care.  When folks with dementia get treated with less than respect and kindness, we’re not doing our best job of creating care that honors people.

But we can do better.  We can provide better care for people with a few gray hairs, and people with dementia.  And we should.

Welcome to Better People Care LLC.  We exist because we have seen care that provides older folks and folks with dementia a sense of safety and security; a sense of comfort and well-being.  And we need to provide more of THAT kind of care.  We owe it to those who need our care now, and we owe it to those who will age into needing this care.

I am Jill, and I am a licensed Occupational Therapist with thoughts, evidence, and real-life experiences  about how we should be caring better.  I will bring those ideas to life here on the pages of this blog, and show what I’ve seen work so well in the work I do.  I’ll bring ideas for how to provide really good care to the forefront of more people’s minds.  For those that care for and about folks; whether families, professionals, care partners, or friends, my goal is to provide compelling, practical insights about what works well to help folks enjoy the most dignity, the highest quality of life, and the greatest level of meaning as they progress through life.

So stay tuned to Better People Care for heartfelt and real stories, practical tips, with bits of research and yet “this is what works in real life” ways to care better….because we can.

Thanks for reading.
