Don’t Make Me Angry!

People with dementia sometimes get VERY angry.  And it is no fun for them, or for those of us with them.  And it seems like no matter how hard we try, we struggle to help them get un-angry.  We both end up frustrated and unhappy and feeling hopeless. So it goes when we don’t understand some of the frequent triggers…

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Dementia With Behavioral Disturbance: Have We Got It Wrong?

As a dementia specialist and advocate for folks living with dementia and their families, I’d like to propose we take a different perspective. Every person who receives health care from a licensed provider will receive a diagnosis.  And with that diagnosis comes a code, a combination of letters and numbers, to simply classify the diagnosis so that the person’s medical…

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My Friend Carol

This is my beautiful friend Carol.  I have had the honor of being her friend for just a bit more than a year.   She is a remarkable woman.  A survivor, a Mom, a nurse, a musician.  A friend and a partner.  A protector and provider for animals in need of care. She loves to tell me the story of being…

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Setting the Stage for Aging Well

“Grapes of Wrath”  “Les Miserables” “Pirates of the Caribbean” Chances are that even before you watch the trailers for these movies, you already had in your mind an image of the setting, the stage, the background for each movie.   When you hear the words “aging well”, most of us have a mental image of what that process looks like.  We…

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A Dose of Our Own Medicine

Giving someone a dose of their own medicine has its roots in the notion of revenge.  Turns out, though, that the process often has a deeper purpose: that of determining whether the offending person is capable of developing greater empathy for you, as seen in Psychology Today:   When we have the privilege of using and sharing the DAWN method…

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The Eraser At The End of the Pencil

I made a big mistake with one of my companions with dementia recently.  I made a decision that left them feeling uncomfortable, and insecure in my presence.  It wasn’t obvious at first, but their responses later in the week made it clear that my decision had eroded trust. It’s not the first time I’ve made mistakes when providing dementia care. …

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Better Care is in the Details

My Mom taught me hard work and duty to family. She grew up poor with seven siblings and minimal education, married at 22, and had me at 23. She showed me what sacrifice looked like when she and my dad moved our family from Taiwan to Texas to build a better life for me and my brother because we both…

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