Creating Rich Sensory and Social Experiences for Those Experiencing Dementia pt 10: Embracing Whimsy and Fun

At Better People Care, we encourage whimsy and pure fun, often inspired by the creativity of our caregivers. Try something spontaneous—go bowling, take a bike ride, or make it a tradition to get ice cream every week during the summer. (If you’re lactose intolerant, treat yourself to a refreshing drink so you can enjoy something together.)

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The Art of Noticing

Creating Rich Sensory and Social Experiences for Those Experiencing Dementia - Part 8: Noticing As we continue to explore options for creating sensory and social experiences for our loved ones experiencing dementia, let's get back to the art of noticing.  If your loved one was a pilot or farmer, they probably have spent most of their lives noticing the clouds.…

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Creating Rich Sensory and Social Experiences for Those Experiencing Dementia Pt. 3

Creating Rich Sensory and Social Experiences for Those Experiencing Dementia Part 3: Life-Changing Experiences As you begin to share these rich and engaging experiences with your loved one, take note of how the experiences impact you as well. You might be surprised at the positive effects on your own mood and stress levels.  Getting good at this is part of…

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