When People Die

A friend asked me recently, “how can you do that work when you have so many people die?”She is correct; my team and I regularly spend our workdays with folks who are living through their final season of life. And we often remain in their lives until they breathe their last. Since December 1 of 2020, four of the people…

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Getting Paid to Have Fun

I was visiting with some new friends recently, most of whom have some idea of the work I do.  One asked if I had worked the previous day, which happened to be a Sunday.  I said, “Yes.  And my friend (with dementia) and I went for three walks, and for a drive in the mountains, and out for lunch, and…

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Like Learning a New Language

Two people have told me recently, “learning to get it right with dementia is like learning a new language.” If you have ever traveled to another country where the people speak a different language and you do not speak that language, you know the uneasy feeling and clumsy struggle of navigating your way. So it is with dementia until we…

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How Dementia is Like the Year 2020

No one expected 2020 to turn out like it has.  This year has required adjustments, patience, and new learning. No one expects, or hopes, for dementia to be part of one’s own life.  Once dementia is part of the equation, it requires families to adjust the way they do things, often hiring in help, or changing expectations or the ways…

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DAWN Dementia Care Trainer

My Grandmother’s headstone, resting in the High Butte Cemetery where the sun rises over Chimney Rock reads, “She loved life”.   My Grandmother grew up in a sod house in the panhandle of Western Nebraska on land that her father and his three brothers homesteaded.  I stand on this land now and wonder how they ever made sod “bricks” for their…

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When Dementia is Like a Car

In order to keep my car in its best shape, I trust the good folks at BG Automotive.  I trust them because they know cars, they know my car, and they know how to keep it in good shape by preventing problems with proper maintenance.  And when my car begins to rattle or sputter, I am confident that BG Automotive…

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