Maximizing Safety and Well-Being: Quick Tip
As we continue this series, here is a quick and helpful tip to use with your companions if they struggle with using household items like the TV remote!
As we continue this series, here is a quick and helpful tip to use with your companions if they struggle with using household items like the TV remote!
We need to be mindful and respectful when making recommendations for change. Life comes with risk, and sometimes, that is okay if they are unwilling to make our recommended changes. We can do our best to maximize safety, but ultimately, we respect their version of quality of life.
As we continue our series on maximizing safety and well-being to help our loved ones live at home longer, we're talking about bedroom safety. First, it is important that we tuck in the edge of the comforter so that there are no ends dragging on the floor - as that can increase the risk of falling. The second is the…
I've been a DAWN Specialist for many years as I lead my team at Better People Care. Now, I am caring for my dad, who is experiencing advanced dementia. It is tough watching him fade as he approaches the end of life. We've had a peaceable journey thanks to the DAWN method, and I'm so grateful that it has been…
I remembered, “Oh yeah, he is responding positively to me joking with him and gently kidding him because that is how he so often related to me and my kids.” That was a fun revelation because now we smile and laugh when I act like him with my playful antics.
I coach and train a lot of families in how to care for their loved ones experiencing dementia using the DAWN Method. I always include the DAWN message that dementia is the season when expressing respect, admiration, and love are ways we give our loved ones a sense of well-being.
I am grateful for the privilege of watching my dad get ready. It hurts my heart, but I know that when his time comes, he will be ready to be done with this life.
So this has surprised me: the fear and sadness that already grip my heart in waves as some part of me anticipates the day he draws his last breath.
It is a misunderstanding that we necessarily lose our loved ones to dementia before they die. We can keep a close, soul-to-soul relationship with our companions by memorizing their stories and being ready to share them back with them when they become unable to. Those stories often will include us as family and friends.
The DAWN Method will teach you how to create an environment where it is possible to brush and floss teeth, trim fingernails and toenails, pluck chin hairs, get up close and personal with a companion with dementia, and not worry about being harmed by them.