Keeping it Simple

We don’t always have to come up with grand things to do with our companions who are experiencing dementia.  Going somewhere as simple as the hardware store can create a rich place for sensory and social experiences. Even while some of their cognitive skills are diminishing, their brains still benefit from some stimulation!

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Preserving Dignity

The DAWN method taught me the sacred balance between safety and selfhood. I am so grateful to Judy Cornish and all that I have learned. In my experience with my companions with dementia, I have learned first-hand that full-time care is not always the answer. I have seen how the right care, in the right amounts, at the right time,…

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Driving Safely as We Age

Anosognosia is the “lack of ability to perceive the reality of one’s own condition.”  (; Tim Jewell; 2/27/2019). Because of this, people with dementia have some awareness that things in their lives are changing, but they have no idea how their cognitive changes are impairing their ability to do daily tasks. Check out the video below. May we learn how…

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Women, Take Note

No one asks to get dementia.  And all of us hope to do what we can to prevent it.  But before I dive into how we as women can reduce our risk of developing dementia, I must first speak out that there is hope in dementia.  I’ve watched it.  I’ve lived it.  The truth that when we handle correctly the…

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