How Dementia is Like the Year 2020

No one expected 2020 to turn out like it has.  This year has required adjustments, patience, and new learning. No one expects, or hopes, for dementia to be part of one’s own life.  Once dementia is part of the equation, it requires families to adjust the way they do things, often hiring in help, or changing expectations or the ways…

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Our Merry Christmas Gratitude

In sitting down to pen this blog today, the most predominant feeling is that of gratitude.  Humble gratitude for the good of today, of this season, and especially for the good of what we do as the Better People Care team.  So thank you, and we rest in these moments of gratitude: To God, who made Better People Care an…

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DAWN Dementia Care Trainer

My Grandmother’s headstone, resting in the High Butte Cemetery where the sun rises over Chimney Rock reads, “She loved life”.   My Grandmother grew up in a sod house in the panhandle of Western Nebraska on land that her father and his three brothers homesteaded.  I stand on this land now and wonder how they ever made sod “bricks” for their…

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A Tribute to Bob

Two and a half weeks ago, Bob and his wife and I went for a walk in their neighborhood.  It was a lovely Colorado day with sunny skies and clear air.  We walked to their neighbor’s rock, which is Bob’s favorite spot to sit and rest.  We all sat and rested and chatted a bit before heading home.  Bob stopped…

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