A Tribute to Our Friend

Our good friend passed away March 15th.  A life well lived, and he finished well. We are honored to have shared moments of his life during his last couple of years; companions in outdoor recreation, enjoying volunteer service with Colorado Youth Outdoors,  simply being well in his own home when community outings became too uncomfortable.   We learned a great deal…

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Like Learning a New Language

Two people have told me recently, “learning to get it right with dementia is like learning a new language.” If you have ever traveled to another country where the people speak a different language and you do not speak that language, you know the uneasy feeling and clumsy struggle of navigating your way. So it is with dementia until we…

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A Running History

I suppose there have been times when I have been running from something.  For sure, there have been times when I have been running through something.  But as I look back, I catch a glimmer of the hope I could not see but somehow felt. I started running when I was thirteen years old.  My Dad was running to stay…

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The First Most Important Thing

I have had the privilege of sharing zoom calls with three families in the last two weeks.  Families who are moving beyond the stage of shock following their loved one’s diagnosis of dementia.  Families for whom this is the first conversation with a healthcare professional and dementia specialist after receiving the diagnosis.  Families who share, through their tears and their…

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