Our Friend Fred

Our friend Fred passed away this week.  He passed peacefully in his own room, in the home of his daughter and her husband.   We had the privilege of knowing him for just a few short months; of enjoying time with him talking about Nebraska, and Willa Cather, and the beef industry, and rare and collectible coins.  He gave us advice…

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Authors of Their Own Scripts

The more time I spend with my companions living with dementia, the more I get to watch them act out their own dementia script.  And when we give them this opportunity, we give them a gift. THIS is what good dementia care looks like.   The key is that they have to be living in an environment that understands their dementia;…

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When OK is Truly OK

I often say, “there is hope in dementia.”  And, “there can be beauty in dementia.” Because when we get it right with dementia, I’ve witnessed both.  In fact, some of the most profound experiences of my life have come when spending time with one of my companions with dementia. But dementia is still dementia.  It comes with unpredictability, struggle, and…

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