Why The DAWN Method Works

You may have read about our friend Sally, who passed away on July 31st of this year.  She lived alone in her own home, until the final four days of her life, while she was actively dying.  She had dementia and was fiercely independent.  Our team had the privilege of helping her live life her way, and die her way. …

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To Dementia Caregivers

I recently had the privilege of teaching a few classes for the University of Nebraska Lifelong Learning Program.  One class was about dementia, and how to get it right with dementia care, using the tools of the DAWN Method.   My goal with the class was to bring hope, ideas, and real practical tools.  And I did that.  But I also…

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Caregiver vs. DAWN Dementia Specialist Companion – Why The Difference Matters

The folks we provide DAWN dementia specialist care to have lived at least six decades. Meaning they have cared for themselves, made independent decisions, and led their own lives well for a very long time. We understand, then, that rarely will they welcome the notion of “help.”In addition, most have anosognosia, where the part of the brain that gives people…

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What is the Meaning of Life?

Last week, about twenty residents of a nursing and rehabilitation facility in Greeley, Colorado, held a protest against Covid restrictions on the sidewalks outside their facility.  Their hand-made signs said things like, “Rather die of Covid than loneliness”, and “where are our rights as residents?”. The Governor of Colorado’s statement following this protest was “We absolutely understand how difficult it…

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It Takes A Special Village

©Jill Couch At Better People Care, we believe the best approach to dementia care is a team approach; where several minds and eyes and ears, each training in the DAWN Method, are paying attention to the lives of our friends living with dementia.   And we believe that as we train families, and friends, and neighbors, and church communities, and the…

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