Getting The Water In…Hydration in Dementia Care

It can be a challenge to help our folks with dementia drink enough water.  They may forget to drink, may believe they have taken in plenty of water and may refuse to drink when we encourage it.

Most people would prefer to enjoy a drink of water, or a favorite beverage, with a companion.  This, then, is the first and most important principle: enjoy a drink of water with your loved one with dementia.  Make sitting and enjoying water or another favorite drink a natural time of being together.

Other ideas to get in more water are enjoying jello, watermelon, cucumbers, or celery. These foods have a high water content and you can enjoy good food together while also aiding in hydration. This is an example of caregiving-by-stealth where we provide the care that is necessary but in a way that feels like companionship.

Flavored waters and Gatorade can be good substitutes for those who do not like water.  I realize that flavored waters often have artificial sweeteners and Gatorade has sugar, but if folks will drink these beverages, it is worth preventing the cascade of problems that come with dehydration.

I have seen information about a newer product, called “Jelly Drops”, “water sweets” developed to help boost water intake. These may be a help, but again, I suggest this will go better when we enjoy them alongside our companion with dementia.

Dehydration for those with dementia can be a challenging issue.  First and foremost, enjoy sweet time of companionship with your loved one while you also just happen to be drinking a favorite beverage or enjoying water-rich foods with them.  Consider water substitutes such as flavored water or Gatorade-type drinks.  And if you try the Jelly Drops, please reach out via our website email and let us know if they indeed helped your loved one increase fluid intake.

We do not want to point out “their” need to increase their water intake; pointing this out only increases the inequality in the care relationship.  Instead, we want to join them in staying hydrated.

We are with you and hope to help the dementia journey be a bit easier.  


©Jill Couch 071822