The Power in a Purr-ito

Colorado State Senator Joann Ginal and a purr-ito named Cheese I wish I had a way to show everyone what happens when you put a kitten, wrapped in their soft blanket “purr-ito”, into the arms of a person with dementia. You see, when we bring appropriate sensory and social stimulation into the day’s experience of someone with dementia, we give…

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What is the Meaning of Life?

Last week, about twenty residents of a nursing and rehabilitation facility in Greeley, Colorado, held a protest against Covid restrictions on the sidewalks outside their facility.  Their hand-made signs said things like, “Rather die of Covid than loneliness”, and “where are our rights as residents?”. The Governor of Colorado’s statement following this protest was “We absolutely understand how difficult it…

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Dementia Mainstreamed

In the 1980’s, the United States education system transitioned from the common practice of institutionalizing children with disabilities, to “mainstreaming” It seems that the goal was “inclusion”; helping children with disabilities be included and welcomed among fellow students who did not have disabilities, and helping students without disabilities become comfortable with kids with disabilities.  I suppose that the idea was…

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Life Lessons Beyond Kindergarten

I am very grateful for the valuable life lessons shared with me in my young years. These childhood lessons that form character have a powerful impact, and build a foundation in our lives. Young hearts and minds are the perfect training ground to learn about generosity, respect for others, responsibility, honesty, compassion, the importance of good work and good play,…

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