Life Lessons Beyond Kindergarten

I am very grateful for the valuable life lessons shared with me in my young years. These childhood lessons that form character have a powerful impact, and build a foundation in our lives. Young hearts and minds are the perfect training ground to learn about generosity, respect for others, responsibility, honesty, compassion, the importance of good work and good play, friendship, and that simplicity is a great worldview.

These lessons are the legacy we are given from significant adults in our lives, primarily our parents. I was fortunate to have these lessons modeled for me by both of my parents, along with other adult family members and teachers. But to my surprise, at this time in my life, I am sharing life with my Dad as he journeys with dementia. Now new lessons are like bookends to the previous chapters in my life. Interestingly, they are lessons I didn’t expect and hadn’t recognized as needed in my life. Aware of them now, I welcome and value these lessons and the opportunities for deeper character development.

I recently completed the online training course of The DAWN Method (Dementia & Alzheimer’s Wellbeing Network). In that training, I learned specific tools that are helping me navigate an unexpected path for which I had not prepared.  Greater understanding has replaced the anxiety of the unknown with hope and encouragement. And as if that weren’t enough, I am also now a student of positivity, contentment, living in the present moment, appreciating beauty in all its forms, being more thoughtful and intentional in my conversation, and reaping all the dividends of investing in the life of another. I’m grateful that there’s no expiration date on learning life lessons.

With gratitude,

Betsy Graves

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