Remembering Our Friend

He was dignified, intelligent, personable, and had an easy laugh.  Yes, he was having a harder time remembering and doing some of the simple tasks of life that were once very easy.  But with the right kind of dementia-understanding, dementia-supportive help (The DAWN Method), he retained his personality… dignity… intelligence… personable ways, and easy laugh. He enjoyed visiting and talking…

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My Why

Did you know? It was my grandmother’s heartbreaking journey with dementia that inspired me to learn how to get care “right” through the DAWN method.  As I walk through this journey with my dad, I am even more convinced about the importance of keeping people in their homes. This is often best for the individual and their family, and there…

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What It Looks Like When We Get It Right

DAWN Method dementia supportive care is how we preserve the skill, ability, and, most importantly, well-being of folks experiencing dementia. DAWN dementia supportive care looks like us enjoying time with a person doing things that are meaningful and beautiful to them to bring personal sensory and social stimulation, and also tending to the practical and physical aspects of their life such…

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Dignity of Effort

Remember the concept of dignity of effort! Don’t be too quick to rush in if your companion who is older or has dementia is struggling to do something that was once easy for them.  Allow them to use their own effort first. There is dignity to use one's own effort and ability to accomplish tasks.  See the video for more:…

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Stories Over Stress

Stories are so important. By remembering the stories my companions share, I can bring them joy and richness when they no longer remember, and I can share these stories with them. Sharing stories lowers stress for my companions. I can also accomplish this by sharing stories I’ve seen, read about, or encountered in my day. Check out the video for…

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