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Thank You For Your Service, Dear Girl

She served in the U.S. military before it was cool for women to serve in the military.  She chose to be a vegetarian before that trend became trendy.  She held onto her vibrant personality, zest for life, and active lifestyle as long as she could.

She was known to hula hoop, just a few months before she drew her last breath.  She walked her little pup until she simply couldn’t.  She prepared her salads and her tea until just a bit before she would leave this life.

She brought joy and happy moments to our lives, even when our purpose was to provide DAWN Dementia Specialist care to her. We respected her desire for a sense of independence and promoted her well-being. It was our honor to help make our moments with her good moments.

Thank you for your service, dear girl, and thank you for sharing a bit of your life with us.