Why I Run

37 1/2 years....I've been a runner longer than many of my kids' teachers have been alive.  Throughout the unpredictable, the unexpected, the hard, the beautiful, the mundane, the richness of life.  Running has been a thread that has seen me through what was hard as a kid, an impossible marriage, the early loss of my Mom and oldest brother.  Running…

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How kittens use their powers to make better the lives of those with dementia

Kittens.  Yes, kittens.  Cute, cuddly, playful kittens.  Small.  Dependent. And yet, within those little bodies, they hold special powers. Powers to elicit conversation in those who rarely converse.  Powers to calm tremors for those who usually shake.  Powers to ease anxiety, loneliness, lack of meaning for those struggling to make peace with the aging process. Folks living in care communities…

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Why Better People Care?

When toenails are so long that people's feet hurt when they walk, we've not done our best.  When teeth get brushed so rarely that a person's gums are red and sore, we've not provided the best care.  When folks with dementia get treated with less than respect and kindness, we're not doing our best job of creating care that honors…

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