In order to keep my car in its best shape, I trust the good folks at BG Automotive. I trust them because they know cars, they know my car, and they know how to keep it in good shape by preventing problems with proper maintenance. And when my car begins to rattle or sputter, I am confident that BG Automotive will work to understand my car’s problem, and use the right tools and the right methods to fix what needs fixing.
So it is with good dementia care.
Those providing care for folks living with dementia must first KNOW dementia. They must know the ins and outs and the whys and whens and hows of what we see in the lives and behavior of those with dementia.
It is from this foundation of understanding, then, that we are able to PREVENT a good portion of the issues that arise on the dementia journey. As we create a dementia-friendly environment, we create a place that feels secure and safe and dementia-friendly, so our friends with dementia have fewer reasons to be anxious…which means they have fewer reasons to act out, or withdraw…which lowers the anxiety and discomfort for them, and us.
When issues arise, we use dementia-specialist tools (thanks to the DAWN Method for teaching us the right tools!) to ADDRESS the issues, and bring that sense of security and well-being back into the day of our folks with dementia.
If you are a loved one with a person living with dementia, you do not need to be a dementia expert. You can count on us with Better People Care for that. But your own journey alongside a loved one with dementia will be better if you are equipped with knowledge, and tools.
So where do you start to get it right with dementia? Read the DAWN Method website start to finish. Watch the TedTalk by Judy Cornish. Read the blogs. Watch the three videos offered on the website for free, “Preparing for Dementia”. Next, order the book written by Judy Cornish, “The Dementia Handbook”; it’s a short but rich read and will give you another layer of dementia awareness. Then, either order the book, “Dementia with Dignity” also authored by Judy Cornish, or sign up for the online family training or the private one-on-one training.
My experience and observation have shown that it takes several layers of learning before the information takes hold to make a difference in your day-to-day. As one family told me after completing the one-on-one family training, “this (dementia care at home) is getting easier.”
Dementia care done right is so much like car care; everything runs better when we understand what we are dealing with, how to prevent problems, and how to solve problems once they arise. Overwhelmed? Call us at Better People Care for kind, specialized, personal care for your loved one living with dementia, and you.
©Jill Couch