There is hope, and there is beauty in dementia. Turns out there is also healing. Don’t stop reading now because you do not believe me. I’ll try to explain how in the world I could be saying that something as unordinary as dementia could heal us.
If you’re still reading, please stop what you are doing and listen to this:
For the full song, click here.
My dear friend Carolyn and I have listened to this together the last couple weeks, over and over, because each time we listen, it touches her soul a bit deeper. But here’s the thing: it touches my soul too. As I take deep breaths and relax into the beauty of the music and the beauty of the time we share, I have a bit of a break from my usual busy days, and perhaps a bit of healing via the moments of simply enjoying something lovely, with someone lovely.
This is good dementia care…relaxing into the reality of a person living with dementia, joining them in something that they find meaningful. And in the process, we are changed.
Sometimes relaxing into the reality of a person with dementia means letting them share their concern over the changes they are sensing in their brain. Sometimes it means leading them to share their favorite stories from of old…and listening well each time. Sometimes it means going to the putting green with them and putting a while. Or going to the pool hall and shooting a round of pool. Or going to the senior center. Or out to lunch. Or to a local sporting event. All the while, managing what is going on in the environment so that our companion with dementia remains emotionally safe and comfortable, and successful in a world that does not yet understand dementia.
So take a deep breath. And the next time you have the chance to slow down and be well with someone you care about, do it. As you get good at being well, and being still, you will be changed, and you will find healing. There is hope and there is beauty in dementia. And there is healing, for those who are willing to breathe deep and relax into the world of those living with dementia.
Changed. Healed. Grateful.
©Jill Couch
Thank you, Breathe, and relax!!!
🙂 🙂 🙂