Jokes, songs, and a play on words can make us laugh. Laughing is good for all of us.

When I saw this meme about dusting, I smiled, laughed, and knew I needed to share it with my companion with dementia; we both got a good laugh.
I read the lyrics and then found the song on YouTube; a song I had heard years ago: “The Scottman’s Kilt” by Woods Tea Company. Several times while reading the lyrics and then listening to the song, my companion and I chuckled with a hint of mischief. Smiles were left on our faces.
While at the grocery store, I noticed the Cajun seasoning. The colors were so vivid and bright, and the name- well, I laughed. Because I knew that my companion enjoys humor with a bit of edge, I drew his attention to the seasoning. We laughed together and kept chuckling for a bit as we walked away.

You see, just because someone’s cognitive skills change due to dementia does not mean that they no longer enjoy humor. People enjoy laughing and sharing laughter with others. The issue is that they will need someone who knows how to draw them into enjoying humor, someone who understands that humor can bring smiles and laughs…for everyone.
This is such a great reminder about the importance of humor, and how it’s still important for those with dementia too. Thank you for always reminding us about the value of everyone’s quality of life!
And by the way, my family loves the Slap Ya Mama seasoning. We joke about it a lot!
Ha! I’ll have to try the slap ya mama seasoning! I’ve been enjoying humor more and it’s been good for all of us!
I knew there was a reason I didn’t like to dust.
Exactly!! Me too!!