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A Story of Hope and Joy through the DAWN Method

Today, I wanted to share with you comments from a lovely woman with whom I had the privilege of teaching the DAWN Method classes.

Judy & Jill –
I really didn’t know over 2 months ago how I was going to be able to take care of my spouse. I was literally sinking until my daughter remembered we had some resources given to us two years earlier from a dementia consultant & thankfully, one of those resources was for the DAWN Method by Judy Cornish.

Judy, thank you for your life’s work & dedication to this cause, publishing your books & making it possible for our family, myself & my spouse, to be able to enjoy life again!

Jill, thank you for guiding me through the DAWN Method program & reducing my stress level, making me more confident that I can successfully live a joyful, great life with my husband until the end. I’m still learning, but I know I am fortunate to have you as my coach & for as long as I need. Thank you for projecting calmness, which always puts me at ease, and your professionalism, but at the same time, I feel like friends. You are a natural coach & all the examples/experiences of dementia clients were all very helpful. Thank you!

So excited to keep learning & passing on the DAWN Method!

  • E

With a grateful heart,
