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Sensory and Social Stimulation Ideas: A Scenic Drive

Creating Rich Sensory and Social Experiences for Those Experiencing Dementia – Part 4: Sensory and social stimulation ideas: A scenic drive

Take a drive through the heart of your hometown while you point out the places you have memories with them. Maybe it is where you’ve enjoyed a meal, gone shopping, or shared a funny memory. Use this drive to reminisce with your loved one and also to point out the new and interesting changes happening in your hometown.

Another idea is to take a drive along a country road. While you drive, tell your loved one the stories you have memorized in their words. These are the stories they tell repeatedly because they are important memories. They may join in and tell you those stories all over again, and now you have the privilege of acting interested, just as if it were the first time they had shared that story.

Finally, you could go through a drive-thru and share a favorite coffee or lemonade while you drive. The point is to bring rich and enjoyable stimulation for your loved one, take a deep breath, allow yourself to relax into the experience with them, and be well.  I often say, “When you get good at this, it will change your life.”

Stay tuned for the next post in our series where we will talk about books!