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My Dad and Me: part 1

When I began learning The DAWN Method, I had no idea it would become so personal. As some of you may know, my dad is experiencing advancing dementia.  

In the past seven years, I have had the privilege of bringing DAWN Dementia Specialist Care, coaching, and training for families, communities, and professionals. Wow! What a privilege to bring the message of hope vs. despair. To provide tools and ways for dementia to be okay without medications or methods to manage behaviors or symptoms. To equip caregivers to experience their own lives becoming richer as they learn how to bring good to the days of their loved one experiencing dementia.  To set a different expectation for aging and dementia — That with the right care and support, people can live well, in their own homes, with advancing dementia, and most often without full-time care.

Our approach is simple yet profound: we provide the right care (The DAWN Method) in the right way (often through a ‘caregiving by stealth’ approach), in the right amounts (tailored to the individual’s needs), and at the right times (also personalized).  When we achieve this balance, those living with dementia can continue to lead fulfilling lives, and their families and friends can also thrive. 

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Julie Kahl

    Sorry to hear, Jill. The good news is that he’s in good hands!
    Love, Julie Kahl

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