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Enjoy Family Photos Together

Creating Rich Sensory and Social Experiences for Those Experiencing Dementia Part 9: Enjoy family photos (and videos) together.  

The goal is to enjoy something interesting together, which does not mean this becomes an exercise in testing our loved one’s memory.  Instead, look at photos together to simply enjoy what each photo contains: pictures of pretty dresses, funny hairdos, nice colors, smiles on faces, animals, scenic places, etc.  

Using our memory skills to recount the stories captured in the photos is a beautiful way to connect. If our loved ones do remember some of the people or situations in the photos, that’s a bonus, but it’s not the main goal. The real joy is in sharing these memories and enjoying something with another human, someone who just happens to have changing cognitive and emotional needs.

It’s important to remember that visual skills often change in dementia, so we’ve found that loose photos with a matte finish work best.  This way, our companions can place the pictures where they need them to be, close or far, to see them the best, and the matte finish reduces glare.  

If the photos you want to share are digital, that’s great; just share them on a big screen such as a laptop or iPad, and don’t automatically put them right close to your loved one’s face.  If you observe your loved one closely, you’ll notice them adjusting their position to see the images better.  Give them plenty of time to look over the picture; it will take them longer to absorb and enjoy the photos, and that’s okay. Patience is key.

Please be aware that as our loved ones progress in their dementia, they will likely appreciate photos from deeper in history. It is great when we can get copies of photos from our loved ones’ childhood, even their parents and grandparents, and enjoy what those photos contain.

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