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Getting To Know My Dad

I left home at twenty to pursue my Occupational Therapy degree in another state. Over three decades have passed since then, and my dad and I have enjoyed visiting a few times each year.

These last couple of years of caring for my dad have surprised me with how I have come to know him.

I remembered him as a kidder, a joker, and a gentle prankster. He has been such a fun Papa because he had fun with my kids. But I had forgotten all that until I began to joke and kid with him, and he responded with smiles and laughter.

I remembered, “Oh yeah, he is responding positively to me joking with him and gently kidding him because that is how he so often related to me and my kids.”  That was a fun revelation because now we smile and laugh when I act like him with my playful antics.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Teresa

    LOVE that sweet picture!

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