Dear caregivers,
We do not claim to fully understand your each and every day. We have a sense that your work as a caregiver is possibly the most demanding work you have ever done, work that involves layer upon layer of emotion.
But we see you, and we hear you.
We do our best to bring you hope; hope that you can learn the tools of the DAWN Method and hope that it will make your life easier and life more comfortable for your loved one living with dementia.
We do our best to bring you tips and ideas; small suggestions that might have a big impact on your life.
We do our best to bring you relief through our DAWN Dementia Specialist care. We hope that when you place your loved one in our care, you know that your loved one is loved and cared for as the very individual, unique person that they are. We hope that during our time with your loved one that you get to breathe deeply; to linger over coffee with a friend, or putter your way through the grocery store, to walk, to work, to not worry. We hope that this helps you remember who you are and the life you have.
We come to know your loved one very well; we appreciate and recognize the significance in each of their stories, and the stories of their lives. We don’t get tired of hearing their stories. Instead, we memorize them, knowing that the day will likely come when we have the privilege of reciting those meaningful stories back to them.
So, while we simply cannot fully understand your life as a caregiver, it is our goal to bring you what you need and what your loved one with dementia needs, so that you all can enjoy a better life.
Jill, and your Better People Care team