When I founded Better People Care LLC in 2018, I knew that I did not want to do the work alone. I wanted to work alongside others committed to the well-being of folks with dementia and their families.
Now, I have the honor of leading a remarkable team of talented people.
We are all trained in The DAWN Method approach to dementia care and continue to train. We use the method each day in our work, and we talk about how it works and why.
We communicate with one another throughout the days…a lot.
I encourage each team member to bring their own history, talents, strengths, perspectives, and insights into the work they do. I encourage them to share their ideas with all of us so we all learn; I have learned a great deal from my team.
For most of the folks with whom we spend our days, there are two or three of our team members on their care team. Not so many that we have a revolving door of different caregivers, but enough that we can cover for one another, share ideas from our times with them, and support one another. As I have written before in the blog “Getting Paid to Have Fun”, dementia-specialist care is not easy, and it is good that we can back one another up.
We regularly document our work in a shared confidential drive and send communication to one another when something out of the ordinary happens or with questions or ideas.
I always hoped to have a team to share this work with, a team of devoted, special people who would help me bring dementia-specialist care to folks who desperately need our type of help. I am blessed to share the work with my team, and as a team, we bring the very best to our folks.
Happy to lead this team,
©Jill Couch