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Farewell To Our Friend

She was small in stature and strong in spirit.  She was strong of character and also tender.  It was clear that she had loved big and loved well.  It was obvious that she was deeply loved by her family.  

She put her husband through graduate school and raised their children when work took him to distant places.  When his work took them all to distant places, she joined in the adventure and embraced the experience.  We enjoyed the stories and the pictures that gave glimpses into those years.

She had funny stories of her work on the switchboard of the telephone company and how she made a difference for the better.  It was clear that she had made a difference for the better in other ways, too.

It was our honor to know her.  To support her and her family.  To bring care that allowed her to remain in her own home, to draw her last breath in her home, surrounded by her family.  

She deserved that: the best in care, love, and respect.  

Farewell, friend.  We will miss you and remember your sweet laugh and your sweet spirit.